New Qatar Traffic Violation Fines for Mobile & Seat Belt (2023)

New Qatar Traffic Violation Fines for Mobile & Seat Belt (2023)

Qatar Traffic Department has introduced a new unified radar system that will monitor seat belts, overspeeding, and mobile traffic violation fines. To restrict mobile usage while driving in Qatar, the traffic department announced no discount on mobile phone violations while driving.

New Qatar Traffic Violation Fines for Mobile Usage

New Qatar traffic violation fines for mobile usage while driving in Qatar is 500 QAR. According to the new Qatar traffic law, A fine of QR500 will be imposed on violations of using Mobile phones or any kind of devices, in addition to avoiding distracted driving by watching visual material on any TV installed in the car.

Captain Mohamed Rabia al-Kuwari, Officer of the Violations Department at the General Traffic Department, has explained that using a mobile phone while driving will entail a fine of 500 QAR. Additionally, no discounts will be available for fines for mobile phone usage violations while driving.

He also pointed out that about 50 to 60% of traffic accidents happen due to using mobile phones and not wearing seatbelts while driving.

New Qatar Traffic Violation Fines for Seatbelt & Overspeeding

The radar system uses a variety of sensors to detect seatbelt and overspeeding violations. For example, the system can detect whether or not the driver is wearing a seatbelt by monitoring the weight distribution in the driver’s seat. The system can also detect whether or not the vehicle is overspeeding by measuring the vehicle’s speed.

When the radar system detects a seatbelt or overspeeding violation, it takes a photo of the vehicle and records the violation. The violation is then sent to the General Directorate of Traffic for review. If the violation is confirmed, the driver will be issued a fine.

Meanwhile, a 50% discount will be available on the penalty for not using a seatbelt, if settled within 30 days of the violation being registered, as is the case with some other traffic violations.

New Law for Traffic Violation Fines Qatar

According to articles No. 54 and 55 of the traffic law, introduced on September 3, 2023, by Ministry of Interior (MoI) officials.

  • The law is enforced using radar systems that are installed at various locations throughout Qatar.
  • The radar systems can automatically detect and record vehicles where the driver is not wearing a seat belt or is using a mobile phone.
  • Drivers who are caught violating the law will face a fine of QAR 500 and two demerit points.
  • No discounts will be available for fines incurred due to mobile phone usage while driving.
  • Motorists have the right to challenge the violation through Metrash 2 or on the Ministry of Interior (MOI) website.
  • Images of motorists not wearing a seatbelt and using mobile phones while driving will be available on the Metrash 2 app.

Distracted driving and seat belt non-compliance are two of the leading causes of traffic accidents in Qatar. The new law on automated monitoring for seat belts and mobile phone violations is intended to deter drivers from engaging in these dangerous behaviors and to make the roads safer for everyone.

Objection to Violations

You can object to a traffic violation in Qatar. To do so, you must submit an objection within 14 days of the date the violation was recorded. You can submit your objection online through the Metrash 2 app or the Ministry of Interior (MOI) website, or you can submit it in person at any traffic department office.

You will get the reply within one week, according to Captain Mohamed Rabia al-Kuwari, Officer of the Violations Department at the General Traffic Department.

To submit an objection online, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Your Qatari ID number
  • The license plate number of the vehicle involved in the violation
  • The date and time of the violation
  • The type of violation
  • The reason for your objection

You can also attach any supporting documents to your objection, such as photos or videos.

Once you have submitted your objection, it will be reviewed by the MOI. If the MOI upholds the objection, the violation will be removed from your record. If the MOI rejects the objection, you will be notified of the decision and will have the opportunity to pay the fine or appeal the decision to the court.

Here are some tips for submitting a successful objection:

  • Be clear and concise in your explanation of why you are objecting to the violation.
  • Provide any supporting evidence that you have.
  • Be respectful and professional in your communication with the MOI.

Qatar Mobile Phone Violations FAQs

What is the fine for using a Mobile phone while driving in Qatar?

The fine for using a mobile phone while driving in Qatar is QAR 500 and 2 demerit points. Additionally, you are not eligible for a 50% discount for mobile phone violations in Qatar according to new traffic law, enforced on Sept 3, 2023.

What is the fine for seat belts in Qatar?

The fine for not wearing a seat belt in Qatar is QAR 500 and 2 demerit points.

Is there any discount on traffic fines in Qatar?

Yes, there is a 50% discount on most of the traffic fines except for mobile phone usage violations. The General Directorate of Traffic has announced a 50% discount if you pay your fines within 30 days.

What happens if you don’t wear your seatbelt in Qatar?

You will be fined QAR 500 and 2 demerit points will be added to your driving record. 

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