Qatar traffic violation fines

Exclusive List -MOI Qatar Traffic Violation Fines & Points (2024)

For safe driving, it is important to understand the Qatar traffic violation fines and the associated points system. Our team regularly updates this article based on the new law updates introduced by the Qatar Traffic Department.

Qatar’s traffic laws are there to help us all stay safe on the road. They’re also in place to reduce traffic congestion and protect the environment.

Here’s a quick rundown of some of the most important traffic laws in Qatar:

  • Speed limits: Don’t over speed! It is dangerous and you could get a ticket.
  • Seat belts: Always wear your seat belt. It’s the law, and it could save your life.
  • Child car seats: Make sure your kids are safe in the car by using a child car seat.
  • Lane discipline: Stay in your lane to avoid accidents.
  • Right-of-way laws: Know who has the right-of-way at intersections and crosswalks to prevent accidents.
  • Alcohol and drugs: Don’t drink and drive. It’s illegal and it’s extremely dangerous.

These are just a few of the most important traffic laws in Qatar. Be sure to check out the Qatar Traffic Law for a complete list of all the rules and regulations.

Qatar Traffic Violation Fines and Points:

Qatar Traffic Violation Fines and Points is a system implemented by the Qatar Traffic Department to discourage traffic violations and ensure road safety. 

Qatar Traffic Department regularly updates its laws and points system to ensure road safety. A driver in Qatar needs to know each violation to avoid them. 

The system assigns points to each traffic violation, and drivers who get too many points within a certain period of time may face penalties such as suspension of their driving license or vehicle impoundment.  

Read How to Check Moi Qatar Traffic Violation Online in 2024.

MOI Traffic Violations List With Warnings Penalty

These are MOI traffic violation types with warning penalties. These are less offensive penalties with minimum to moderate fines. These are the official violation list with the demerit points received on the driver’s license and possible legal actions.

Please note that the legal actions listed above are the most common penalties for each offense. However, the specific legal action taken will depend on the severity of the violation and the discretion of the traffic authorities.

Violation TypeFine (QR)PointsLegal Action in Qatar
Not staying in the right lane (as specified)3001Warning
Not reporting loss or damage of plates5002Warning
Not displaying a valid license sticker5001Warning
Not carrying/driving with a license50003Warning
Not informing about loss/damage of registration card50003Warning
Not abiding by lanes on the main road5001Warning
Bicycling on the wrong side of road5001Warning
Exiting lane without precautions5001Warning
Bicycling on the wrong side of the road30003Warning
Motorcycling not in assigned lanes3001Warning
Not wearing helmets (motorcyclists)30003Warning
Using hazard lights unnecessarily1000Warning
Driving without headlights on at night3000Warning
Driving with high beams on in well-lit areas2000Warning
Driving with a broken headlight or taillight1500Warning
Using flashing headlights500Warning

Qatar MOI Traffic Violations List – Fines With Impoundment Of Vehicle

Qatar MOI Traffic Violation Fines With Impoundment Of Vehicle with the corresponding number of days.

Violation TypeFine (QR)PointsLegal Action in QatarNumber of Days
Driving a non-registered vehicle30002Impoundment of vehicle1
Driving without license renewal150003Impoundment of vehicle and suspension of driving license1
Driving without number plates30003Impoundment of vehicle1
Unauthorized changes to number plates15003Impoundment of vehicle1
Not returning number plates when not in use50003Impoundment of vehicle1
Using commercial plates in unauthorized situations50003Impoundment of vehicle1
Using temporary “For test” plates for unauthorized purposes50003Impoundment of vehicle1
Driving with commercial or test plates improperly fixed50003Impoundment of vehicle1
Not returning commercial/test plates when canceled or not renewed50003Impoundment of vehicle1
Writing/painting on vehicle against the law50003Impoundment of vehicle1
Making unauthorized changes to the vehicle30003Impoundment of vehicle1
Not informing about change of ownership50003Impoundment of vehicle1
New owner not informing about ownership change50003Impoundment of vehicle1
Driving instructor/learner not complying with rules30003Impoundment of vehicle and suspension of driving licenseN.A
Writing/painting on the vehicle against the law15003Impoundment of vehicle1
Parking on expressway or traffic island60003Impoundment of vehicle1
Reversing on the main road (except in emergency)30003Impoundment of vehicle1
Not keeping to the right side (for specific vehicles)60006Impoundment of vehicle and suspension of driving license1
Using a spotlight or other high-intensity light to dazzle other drivers10003Impoundment of vehicle for up to Seven days7
Using colored lights on the exterior of the vehicle (other than white, yellow, or amber)5003Impoundment of vehicle for up to three days3
Modifying the vehicle’s lighting system without prior approval from the traffic authorities5003Impoundment of vehicle for up to three days3

Drivers who accumulate 10 demerit points within three years will have their driving license suspended for nine months.

Here is a summary of the demerit points and expected outcome in Qatar:

  • 14 points within one year: 3-month suspension
  • 12 points within two years: 6-month suspension
  • 10 points within three years: 9-month suspension

Please note that these are just the minimum penalties. In some cases, the traffic authorities may impose harsher penalties, such as a longer suspension or even cancellation of the driving license.

It is important to drive safely and obey the traffic laws in Qatar to avoid accumulating demerit points and facing these penalties.

What are Demerit Points in Qatar?

The demerit point system aka MOI traffic violations points in Qatar is a system that penalizes drivers for traffic violations. Drivers are assigned points for each traffic violation they commit, and if they accumulate too many points within a certain period of time, they may face penalties such as suspension of their driving license or vehicle impoundment.

The demerit point system is designed to deter traffic violations and improve road safety. It does this by making drivers aware of the consequences of their actions and by encouraging them to drive safely.

Black points in Qatar are the points that are assigned to drivers for traffic violations. Black points are more serious than ordinary demerit points, and they can lead to harsher penalties, such as a longer suspension or even cancellation of the driving license.

Black points are assigned for the following traffic violations:

  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Reckless driving
  • Causing an accident that results in death or serious injury
  • Racing on public roads
  • Evading the police
  • Driving a vehicle that is not roadworthy

The importance of the black point system is that it helps to keep dangerous drivers off the road. By penalizing drivers for serious traffic violations, the system helps to deter these violations and improve road safety for all.

Here is a table of the different types of demerit points and the penalties they can incur:

Type of demerit pointsNumber of pointsPenalty
Ordinary demerit pointsUp to 13 pointsWarning
14 points within one year3-month suspension
12 points within two years6-month suspension
10 points within three years9-month suspension
Black pointsAny number of black points1-year suspension or cancellation of driving license


What is the point system in driving in Qatar?

The point system in Qatar is a system that penalizes drivers for traffic violations. Drivers are assigned points for each traffic violation they commit, and if they accumulate too many points within a certain period, they may face penalties such as suspension of their driving license or vehicle impoundment.
The point system is designed to deter traffic violations and improve road safety. It does this by making drivers aware of the consequences of their actions and by encouraging them to drive safely.

How can I remove points from my license in Qatar?

Points will automatically be removed from your license after a certain period, depending on the severity of the violation.  If you have a good driving record, you may be eligible to have some or all of your points removed. To be eligible, you must have a clean driving record for at least three years.

What is the fine for overspeeding in Qatar?

According to the Qatar Traffic Law, the fine for overspeeding in Qatar depends on how much you exceed the posted speed limit on the road. The fines range from QR 500 to QR 1000, and you may also get demerit points on your license.

Here is a table summarizing the fines and points for different speeds according to the Qatar Ministry of Interior website. According to the official website, for an excess speed of 11-20 km/h, the fine is QR 600 and no points are added to your license.

Excess Speed (km/h)Fine (QR)Demerit Points
Up to 20 km/h5000
11-20 km/h6000
21 to 40 km/h7503
41 to 60 km/h1,0004
61 to 80 km/h2,0005
81 to 100 km/h4,0007
101 to 120 km/h6,00010
Over 120 km/h10,00012

In addition to the fine, you may also be given demerit points for speeding. Your driving license may be suspended or canceled if you accumulate too many demerit points.

What is the new traffic violation in Qatar in 2023?

The following are some of the new traffic violations in Qatar 2023:

  • Using a mobile phone while driving while the vehicle is in motion.
  • Driving a vehicle that is not roadworthy.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Reckless driving.
  • Causing an accident that results in death or serious injury.
  • Racing on public roads.
  • Evading the police.

These violations are considered to be serious and can result in heavy fines and/or suspension of your driving license.

What is the fine for seat belt in Qatar?

The fine for not wearing a seat belt in Qatar is QR500 ($137). Seat belt law is strictly enforced, and there is a zero-tolerance policy for violations. It applies to all vehicles and passengers, regardless of age.

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