New Doha Traffic Regulation Bans Large Trucks and Buses on February 22 Road at All Times

New Doha Traffic Regulation Total Bans Large Buses & Trucks on February 22 Road

New Doha Traffic Regulation Nov 2023

Doha Qatar- On November 1, 2023, the General Directorate of Traffic in Doha announced a new regulation that completely prohibits trucks and large buses from entering February 22 Road at all times.

February 22 Road is a major artery in Doha that connects the city center to the country’s north. The complete ban on trucks and large buses carrying more than 25 passengers, on this road will apply in both directions, from the Mesaimmer and Fereej Al Ali Intersections to the Umm Lekhba (Landmark) Interchange.

Exemption permits can be obtained by truck and bus drivers who must enter February 22 Road for specific purposes, such as delivering goods or transporting passengers to and from specific locations. Applications for exemption permits can be made through the Metrash2 app or the Traffic Department website.


According to the official Twitter handle of the Ministry of Interior, the purpose of the new regulation is to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality on February 22 Road. Trucks and large buses are known to be major contributors to traffic congestion and air pollution. By prohibiting these vehicles from entering the road altogether, the Traffic Department hopes to improve the flow of traffic and make the air cleaner for everyone.

The impact of the new regulation on truck and bus operators is still unclear. However, it is likely that some operators will need to adjust their routes in order to avoid February 22 Road. This could lead to delays for some businesses and consumers.

Ban on Large Vehicles During Peak Hours in Doha

The General Directorate of Traffic Announces New Regulation Banning Trucks and Large Buses During Peak Hours in Doha

On November 1, 2023, the General Directorate of Traffic in Doha, Qatar announced a new regulation restricting the entry of trucks and buses carrying more than 25 passengers during peak hours. The directive also includes a comprehensive prohibition on these vehicles along the February 22 Road.

Peak hours are not explicitly defined in the announcement, but it is likely that they will correspond to the morning and evening rush hours, which are typically from 7 am to 9 am and 5 pm to 7 pm, respectively.


Exemption permits can be obtained by truck and bus drivers who must enter Doha during restricted hours. Applications can be made through the Metrash2 app or the Traffic Department website. The following documents are required to apply for an exemption permit:

  • A work contract with a government agency
  • A letter from the project management outlining the type of permission required
  • A copy of the company’s registration
  • A copy of a valid vehicle registration

Violations of the new traffic regulation will result in a fine of QAR 500. For the complete list of Qatar Traffic Violation Fines, click here to read the article.

Purpose of the Regulation

The Traffic Department has stated that the new regulation aims to reduce traffic congestion and improve air quality in Doha. Trucks and large buses are known to be major contributors to traffic congestion and air pollution. By restricting their entry into the city during peak hours, the Traffic Department hopes to improve the flow of traffic and make the air cleaner for everyone.

Impact of the Regulation

The impact of the new regulation on truck and bus operators is still unclear. However, it is likely that some operators will need to adjust their schedules in order to avoid entering Doha during peak hours. This could lead to delays for some businesses and consumers.

Overall, the new traffic regulation is a significant development in Doha’s efforts to improve traffic flow and air quality. It remains to be seen how effective the regulation will be in achieving these goals.

What is the speed limit for heavy vehicles in Qatar?

The speed limit for heavy vehicles in Qatar on highways with four or more lanes is 100 km/h (62 mph), on highways with two or three lanes: 80 km/h (50 mph) and on other roads is 60 km/h (37 mph).

What are peak hours in Qatar?

Peak hours in Qatar are from (7 am to 9 am) and (5 pm to 7 pm)

What time is the truck ban in Doha?

The truck ban in Doha is from 7am to 9am and 5pm to 7pm, except on February 22 Road, where the ban is in effect at all times.

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